Sunday, March 30, 2014

I'm trying to set aside more time to post to the blog.  I'm a woman juggling a lot of hats on her own:  jewelry designer and maker, shopkeeper, shop girl, buyer, curator, social media maven, web sight management, errand girl, office girl, janitor, wife, dog mama…. just to name a few.    I do all of these with lot of love for what I do and a lot of gratitude that I get to do what I love.  Sometimes I just can't get to all of it and sometimes a few things are a little neglected for lack of time so I can have a walk with the dogs.

But I am making an effort to connect more with what I am doing by posting in way that is a little more personal.  I'll do my best to share more, though it's not a part of my nature to be so open.

so speaking of nature…

I love rocks and shells and driftwood and bits of nature that we can take home in our pocket; those found treasures that we come upon on long walks when we look down at our feet and feel more grounded and hopefully a little more connected to the earth.  At the shop I love to bring in pieces of nature that connect us with our world and it's natural mystifying beauty.  I have such a deep appreciation for all the magic of creation in our world and universe;  it's a gift that exists within our reach and I'm grateful for it all.

sea fan, petrified wood, geodes, ammonites, aragonite, feather

Monday, March 24, 2014

One of the things I love most about the shop, is being able to loan pieces to stylists and photographers for their shoots and getting to use the photos in return… such a good trade!  This recent shoot, photographed by 13B Design and styled by Pauline Kim is just so good I had to share.   Pauline borrowed a a variety of vintage clothing, jewelry and Demimonde pieces and the result is just perfect.